Curriculum Ibn Rustah (300 A.H / 912 A.D) In his book Al-Alaaq Al-Nafisiah
منهج, ابن رسته, الاعلاق النفيسةAbstract
Studying the method and resources that are based on analysis, induction, and deduction is not accepted by a sufficient number of researchers, so studies in this field are still limited and need more encouragement and attention because the availability of this type of study helps the researcher to reveal many historical facts as they really are, especially from The clear vision that helps him to evaluate, make positive criticism, and correctly estimate matters and results. Ibn Rustah is considered one of the scholars and prominent geographers of the third century AH / tenth century AD. He wrote his book (Al-Alaaq Al-Nafisiah), consisting of seven parts, which contained valuable and rare information in the sciences of geography, mathematics, and astronomy. And many historical facts.
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