The Commercial Prosperity of Oman's Ports In Light of Geographers and Travelers Writings From The First Century Until The Seventh Century AH
geographers, The port, OmanAbstract
Oman was famous for its unique geographical location, which made it one of the largest ports on the Indian Ocean pre and post Islam, the link between the East and the West, a "huge" commercial center for many local and imported goods from the countries of the East such as India and China, the countries of East Asia on the one hand, and the countries of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa and the Mediterranean basin on the other hand. So this study aims to introduce the most famous ports of Oman in light of the writings of geographers and travelers from the first century to the seventh century AH, shedding light on the commercial prosperity of these ports.
The ports of the Omani coast are distinguished by a distinct commercial location at the entrance of the Arabian Gulf, where it is mediating the trade which is coming from the east and west, as well as controlling the trade in the Arabian Gulf, in addition to the Gulf of Oman being located on the edge of the monsoon region of the utmost importance in maritime navigation . The ports of the Omani coast are the first ports that meet inland to the Arabian Gulf, or abroad, which has earned it wide importance and fame.
The geographical sources contributed to providing the research with a lot of information. The books of countrymen and travelers are among the most valuable sources that included many important knowledge and news. It dealt with the roads and paths of countries and their designation, in addition to their interest in many civilizational issues that dealt with various fields. It gave us a clear picture of the economic conditions that Amman has reached throughout history, especially since travelers have relied in writing their news on viewing, looking at the official documents of the State and some blogs and works written by those who preceded them in this regard.
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