The most important archaeological and heritage monuments in Adhamiya the royal court - the royal cemetery) (a model)
المعالم الاثرية, البلاط الملكي, المقبرة الملكيةAbstract
Al-Adhamiya was famous for containing many monuments and heritage buildings that contributed to highlighting its essential characteristics and aesthetic creativity of Iraqi architecture, especially the royal court buildings and the royal cemetery, which have become a unique style that combines modernity and traditional style in terms of form and construction in urban planning in which the spirit of the Arab Islamic civilization lives With all its dimensions and cultural heritage, and they have become prominent landmarks of heritage and civilization value from the landmarks of the city of Adhamiya. The royal court occupied a prominent strategic position because it is the place from which Iraq’s internal and external policy is managed. The cemetery also occupied a special place in the hearts of Iraqis because it contains the remains of the royal family, which has given it a cultural depth. important in Iraq.
اولاً: الوثائق الغير منشورة:
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