تطور مدينة ســــــامراء العتبة العسكرية المقدسة أنموذجاً
The origin of the name, the location, its inception, its archaeological features, the coins of Samarra in the Holy Military Shrine, the stages of construction and reconstruction of the Holy Military Shrine, the basement of the occultationAbstract
The name of the city of Samarra was mentioned in the texts of the Assyrian and Babylonian Sarmarati era, as it was mentioned by linguists and geographers. The city of Samarra is located on the banks of the Tigris River. It was established by Caliph Al-Mu’tasim. The Lover and the Beloved, .... It also included many streets, shops, temples and mosques, such as the Jami Mosque of the city of Al-Mutawakkiliya.
Many gold, silver and copper coins were minted in Samarra.
The Holy Military Shrine, which was originally a house for Imam al-Hadi (peace be upon him), was also built. The Military Holy Shrine is a crypt called the crypt of alibi.
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