صيانة وترميم لوح حجري إسلامي من العصر العثماني المتأخر


  • Saad Ahmed Abed mustafa جامعة ميسان / كلية التربية
  • Abdel Rahim Hanoun Attia جامعة ميسان / كلية التربية


Conservation, Restoration, Cleaning, Strengthening, glue, documenting, filling, Slab


Nature is rich in many types of rocks and stones that man has exploited in all ages as a source of building materials, or in other uses, to make many tools, utensils and statues. Obelisks and columns, using hammers and chisels.

And because the stones are porous in nature, they have become prone to the intrusion of salts inside them, whether during their rocky condition or after they were cut and built. During the exit of those salts due to drought and high temperatures at their surfaces, they become in the form of crystallized blooms or minute crystals that break their surfaces and destroy the cohesion of their granules. They are exposed to biological, physical, chemical, and human damage factors.


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How to Cite

صيانة وترميم لوح حجري إسلامي من العصر العثماني المتأخر. (2022). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 82, 317-340. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/242