Iranian - Jordanian relations (1946 - 1979): indicators and conclusions
إيران, الأردن, الشاه, الملك, الكيان الصهيونيAbstract
The Iranian -Jordanian relations witnessed a gradual development, as it reached its climax in the Pahlavi era, especially during the era of Shah Muhammad Reda Pahlavi, who was associated with a close friendship with King Hussein bin Talal, King of Jordan, and relations between the two countries were not limited economically only, but rather developed to include various political fields, but rather Even the military, as the Shah provided the Kingdom of Jordan with many US-made weapons, equipment and F-5 aircraft, as Iran and its allies (the United States of America and the Zionist entity) had an important role in protecting the Kingdom of Jordan and the throne of the Hashemite family, following the armed clash that arose between the Jordanian army And the Palestine Liberation Organization, and during the June 5, 1967 war between the Arab armies and the Zionist entity army, Iran contributed greatly to Jordan's financial and logistical support, as it built a large number of camps in Jordan to accommodate the Arab displaced, and Iranian -Jordanian relations have evolved prominently during the October War. (October 1973, between the Arab armies and the Zionist entity army through the positive political positions of the Iranian government, in which the Arabs were declared the right to restore Ara The usurped by the enemy is the Zionist entity .
In the same context, military cooperation between the two countries continued, but this time more and more comprehensive, through the cooperation of the Iranian and Jordanian armies within the territory of the Sultanate of Oman in defense of the throne of Sultan Qaboos against the Communist revolutionaries in Dhofar known as the (Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arab Gulf).
In the political field, Iran has contributed to supporting Jordan in various political issues, the most important of which is the return of the West Bank lands to Jordan from the control of Israel (the Zionist entity), as well as its support for King Hussein in the use of political maneuver after the holding of the Rabat conference in 1974, in order to solve The differences between Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Organization, and then urged the Shah to King Hussein to coup over the decisions of the Rabat Conference and the restoration of Palestine with the Kingdom of Jordan. At the same time, the Shah invested the political depth of the Kingdom of Jordan in an attempt to resolve its differences with its supplies from the Arab leaders, and the Shah also sought to be King Hussein within the agenda and allies of the United States of America in the Middle East region and its involvement in the Arab Zionist peace talks, as well as the cooperation of the two countries in Follow -up of the policy of themes and alliances in what serves their interests and the interests of the United States of America in the region.
The fields of cooperation between the two countries have diversified through concluding a set of agreements, such as a cultural cooperation agreement in 1960, a commercial cooperation agreement in 1963, a financial cooperation agreement in 1973, and a tourism cooperation agreement in 1975 . .
Despite the friendly relationship between Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi and King Hussein, the turbulence of the political situation inside Iran, especially after the demonstrations in Iran against the Pahlavi regime at the end of 1978, naturally revealed the depth of this relationship, as King Hussein contented himself with some diplomatic endeavors. Just to stand by his friend the Shah in his crisis, as the King of Jordan fully realized that the major countries, especially the United States of America, had lifted international support for the Shah to overthrow the Pahlavi regime in 1979, so King Hussein was forced after that, believing in his interest and the interest of his country if He declares his dealings with and support for the new regime in Iran called the (Islamic Republic of Iran), and then a new page of volatile and divergent relations between the two countries begins
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