Kurdish case in the secret Iraqi communist party documents 1934-1948
تطور, قضية, وثائق, حزب, سريةAbstract
Kurdish case surfaced on the international political stage generally and in the middle east specifically after the end of the fiقسف lly after the end of the firernational political stage generaly and in the middle east specifically after the end of the firstrst world war and the collapse of the Ottoman empire that overcome massive parts of the Arab Homeland for more than four centuries, Countries that slipped from the Ottoman Empire started finding its way by creating a formula of reigning which enables it from running its own business, But seemingly the efforts spent in this regard couldn’t achieve the high hopes to confront the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 that portioned the area of Kurds Majority between Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran only to initiate a new page of struggle for the Kurds in order to achieve the slogan of (The right to decide fate).
The importance of subject (Kurdish Case within Iraqi Communist Party documents) is based in documenting the evolve of the Kurdish movement since the establishing of the communist party as well as Kurdish case became an inseparable part of the demands rings of rights for the Kurds and successive Iraqi supreme since the establishing of the Iraqi Government in 1921 until the time being, it is considered one of the most insisting case for the ruling authorities that looked for solution, despite the successive governments specially under the republican governing raised the ideologies to solve Kurdish case and its faith to Kurds rights and in the same time uses all types of weapons against the Kurds.
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