محاولات التسوية في الصين: مؤتمر شنغهاي للسلام1919-1920


  • nadia kadhim mohammad alabudyi كلية التربية الاساسية/ الجامعة المستنصرية


China's political history, Sun Yat-sen, Tuan Chi Jui


The Shanghai Peace Conference is the most prominent attempt to peacefully settle matters and reunite China, which was wracked by political divisions and internal military conflicts in the warlord era of 1916-1928. The conference was held between two delegations from both sides of the conflict; The military government in the south, which has constitutional legitimacy, and the Beijing government (the north), which enjoys international recognition and Japanese support. Most of the talks in the conference revolved around the demands made by the delegation of the southern government, which were manifested in the restoration of the 1912 constitution and the cessation of the military program of the northern government, which it was difficult for the latter to answer; The first loses its constitutional legitimacy, and the second limits its military capabilities. Therefore, the conference prevailed in an atmosphere of distrust in the position of the northern government in responding to the demands of the southern government, which led to the suspension of the conference sessions more than once


الوثائق الامريكية

• “Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States 1918” (1918) (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office) Vol.1.

• “Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States 1919”(1919) (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office), Vol.1.

• “Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States 1919” (1919) (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office), Vol.V.

• “Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States 1920” (1920)(Washington, DC: Government Printing Office), Vol.1.

• “Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States 1921” (1921)(Washington, DC: Government Printing Office), Vol.1.

الوثائق الفرنسية

- General Droit International Public, “Laffaire De La Perquisition De Lambassed A Pekin”, Per Les autorites , Revue,( Troisieme Serie Tom XXXV,1928) .

الكتب باللغة العربية

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الموسوعات والقواميس

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البحوث والمقالات

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How to Cite

محاولات التسوية في الصين: مؤتمر شنغهاي للسلام1919-1920. (2022). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 82, 579-614. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/256

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