معبد أبيس في العهد الأخميني (530-424ق.م)
معبد, ابيس, عهدAbstract
This study shed light on the treatment of the Temple of Apis in the Achaemenid period, which included an introduction and a preamble, and then examined the stages of construction of the temple and the stages of construction, who is the king who built the temple and the restoration and reconstruction, as well as excavations conducted in the temple , Then the findings of the research, and the appendices of the subject
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( ) Eugene Cruz Urib, Hibis Temple project, preliminary Report, 1985-1986- and Summer 1986 Field Sesons, Varia Egyptiaca San, (Antonio-1987), P.P.215-230.
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( ) Eugene Cruz Uribe, Hibis Temple project, preliminary Report, 1985-1986 and Summer 1986 Field Sesons, Varia Egyptiaca San, (Antonio-1987), p.p 215-230.
( ) Eugene Cruz Uribe, Hibis Temple, p.230.
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( ) Eugene Cruz Uribe, Hibis Temple, p. 230.
( ) Karol Mysliwiec, Herr Beider Lander, Agypten im 1. Jahrtausend v. chr, (Mainz-1998), p.182.
( ) Eugene Cruz Uribe, Hibis Temple, p.p. 215-230.
( ) Gerd Gropp, Einportrat, p.46.
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( ) Karol Mysliwiec, Herr Beider, p.183.
( ) Karol Mysliwiec, Herr Beider, p.183.
( ) Gerd Gropp, Ein portrat, p.47.
( ) Karol Mysliwiec, Herr Beider, p.186.
شكل رقم (6)
Eugene Cruz Urib, Hibis Temple project,p.227.
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Eugene Cruz Urib, Hibis Temple project,p.228.
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Eugene Cruz Urib, Hibis Temple project,p.229.
شكل رقم (9)
Joachim Willeitner, Die agyptischen Oasen, Stadte, Tempel und Graber in der libyschen Wuste,p.30.
شكل رقم (10)
Karol Mysliwiec, Herr Beider Lander,p.p.183-185.
شكل رقم (11)
Gerd Gropp, Einportrat Des Konigs Darius I. im Hibis-Tempel,p.47.

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