Describing of the Main Parts of Cuneiform Signs in the Sumerian-Akkadian Lexicons
مسمار, زاوية, علامة, جزء, وصفAbstract
The main partts (nails) that make up cuneiform signs, such as the vertical nail , the horizontal nail, the inclined nail , or the corner are the basis for constructing the shape of the sign and arranging its linear structure. Therefore, the ancient Sumerian-Akkadian lexicons were interested in naming and describing them with the aim of enabling scribes and learners alike to distinguish the shapes of cuneiform signs. Accurately, and knowing its compositions based on its structural properties and the content of its partial elements.
This research was divided into two main axes. The first axis included naming and describing the shapes of the nail , whether it was vertical, horizontal, or oblique, and the ways these shapes entered the structure of signs. As for the second axis, it dealt with describing the shape of the angle and its names, whether it came as an independent sign or entered as an important part in the composition of Tags.
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