العلامات المسمارية المائلة tenû
Sign, Italic, tenû, LexiconsAbstract
Among the types of cuneiform signs that have been classified are the oblique signs, which lexicographers in the Middle Assyrian period called tenû and distinguished them from the simple signs from which they were derived by their inclination to varying degrees.
In this research, we will discuss the origin of the term tenû and present the most important opinions that have interpreted its meanings. Then we will address the first beginnings of the appearance of italic signs in cuneiform writing , explaining the direction of the shape of the signs and the degrees of their inclination. Then we will present all italic signs according to their occurrence in dictionaries, with their symbolic and phonetic values and their most important meanings, in addition to The italic signs mentioned within the compounds, taking the standard signs of the new Sumerian and new Assyrian tow period as applied models in this research, and finally we will list the most important results that we have reached.
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