The Economic Policy of United States American towards German (1924-1952)


  • Bushra Tais Abdullmoamen Mustansiriya University – College of Education - Department of History


Dawes Plan, Young Plan, Marshall Plan


At a time when the European Powers were exhausted by the Consequences of World War I, and the Devastation that befell them from the War, the United States of America now possessed the world's triple Golden Balance and produced half of the world's Production. and the United States of America Providing Offers of Financial Support to European Countries Affected by the Wars to help them in Reconstruction , Including providing loans to Germany through the American Dawes Plan in 1924, so that it could restore its economy and then be able to pay compensation to the Allies, and they could to pay off their debts to U.S.A. and after it came the Young Plan in 1929, despite its failure due to the economic crisis, it was to rearrange the payment of reparations too. For more than twenty years in the period between the two world wars, Germany did not fulfill its foreign financial obligations. Rather, it opened the way for American capital to meet with German financiers and industrialists, and for American investment to enter it and Western Europe. Thus, it was the golden age of the dollar’s ​​prosperity thanks to the money invested in Western European countries, the traditional center of colonialism, and the German and European economies alike became hostage to the American economy, whose prosperity and wealth were the cause of the global economic crisis in 1929. The United States of America succeeded in successfully overcoming the crisis, while its impact was bad on Europe, and demonstrated the weakness and fragility of the European system. Economically and politically in finding solutions, Europe was captive to capitalist thought and American financial support, one of the results of which was the emergence of extreme leftist regimes that were hostile in their positions towards their European peers. The Nazis dragged Europe into a second world war, deepening the Western European connection and dependency on American hegemony. After the Second World War was nearing its end, the Bretton Woods Conference was held in 1944 to establish a political-financial system that would manage European capitalism under American leadership, and avoid an economic crisis that might suffer. In the post-war world, the Marshall Plan for the economic revitalization of Europe in 1947, which extended to 1952, was one of the most important economic aid projects adopted by the American administration through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and embracing Europe and Germany in a way that ensured the preservation of the American global position, from not being Europe drawn into the communist tide that was spreading, A threat to American power.


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How to Cite

The Economic Policy of United States American towards German (1924-1952). (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 93, 3-38.

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