Northern part, terroialboundaries, board ofthepublic, lndepndenceAbstract
This study sheds light on a Nigerian national figure, Abubakar Tafau Baaliwa, who was born in 1912. He studied in his homeland and then completed his studies in Britain. After his return, he worked in administrative positions before entering political life by establishing the Northern Peoples Congress Party, which was considered one of the parties. It is close to simple people, so he won the majority of seats in the House of Representatives and the Legislative Council, a victory that qualified him to form a government that took upon itself the task of leading the negotiations in order to exploit Nigeria and then unify the country, the southern region with the northern region, which was achieved in 1963, and after that it embarked on the task of reforming the country’s internal conditions.
Abubakar Baaliwa paid with his life for his sincere patriotic stances when he was overthrown by a military coup led by a group of rebels and those aspiring to gain power, disregarding the democratic and constitutional institutions whose foundations were laid by the new political system in Nigeria.
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