ملامح عامة عن حياة الملك نبوخذ نصر الأول (1125-1104ق.م)
الملك المنتصر, نبوءة مردوخ, وثيقة النصر, عودة مردوخ, الأمير المتعبدAbstract
The King Nebuchadnezzar I is considered one of the greatest historical figures in Mesopotamia in general and in the Second Isin Dynasty, or what is known as the Fourth Dynasty of Babylon, which ruled during the Middle Babylonian era in Babylonia in particular. He is the fourth king of the Second Isin Dynasty and ruled for twenty-two years. His name is associated with He wrote many historical works and Babylonian andAssyrian literature. He inherited the rule from his father, King Ninurta-Nadin-Shumi. At a time when Babylonia was suffering from repeated Elamite threats to their border cities, Nebuchadnezzar I was planning to eliminate them and return the god Marduk to his holy city of Babylon, so he By fighting the Elamites in their homeland, achieving victory over them, and ridding Babylon and its people of their danger and constant threats, he documented all the events that accompanied his military campaign in Elam on a border chamber ((Kuduru)) known as the Victory Document. It included the results of the war and the restoration of the prestige and greatness of Babylon with the return of its official god and king. Of all the gods, Marduk is the master of the gods
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معظم الترجمة مقتبسة عن وقراءة وترجمة الأستاذ طه باقر في مقدمة في أدب العراق القديم، ص72-80

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