Economic and Financial Insights By Ibn Abi Zar’ al-Fassi (died 741 AH) In his book Al-Anees Al-Musrib
Ibn Abi Zara', visions, economicsAbstract
There are many economic and financial visions that were mentioned in the book (Al-Anis Al-Mutreb in Rawd Al-Qirtas in the News of the Kings of Morocco and the History of the City of Fez). As this valuable book includes between its two covers, narrations that reveal important and pioneering events and practices that took place and were applied in the recent past on the scene of the countries of the Maghreb. This prompted the officials in the Marinid state to take quick measures to address and confront what happened.
Despite the large number and severity of these repercussions and interactions, it is not the nature of this research to download texts and visions beyond what they can bear, but rather it aims to reveal the practices and actions taken by officials in the Marinid state, as stated in the visions of Ibn Abi Zara in his book (Al-Anis Al-Mutrib Proud al-Qirtas in the news of the kings of Morocco and the history of the city of Fez). Because that would enrich the comparative studies. At the same time, it indicates the possibility of convergence of these practices with contemporary concepts that correspond to them in action, end and means.
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ابن بطوطة ، أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد (ت779هـ/1377م).
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- تاريخ الرسل والملوك ( بيروت، دار الكتب العلمية، 1407هـ).
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- الخراج، تحقيق: احمد محمد شاكر (بيروت، دار المعرفة، 1979م).
ثانياً : المراجع :
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موسى ، عز الدين احمد.
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