Dog domestication in the Ancient Near East - Mesopotamia as a model


  • Nisreen Jabur Abid Alndawi جامعة بغداد/كلية الاداب /قسم الاثار
  • Majida Hasso Mansoor Esso الجامعة المستنصرية/ كلية التربية/ قسم التاريخ


Dog, Domestication, Human, Stone ages


The dog is the animal that is most attached to man from the stone ages until the present time with its characteristics, capabilities and talents that humans have been able to benefit from through the ages. Stability and knowledge of agriculture and the domestication of animals and the end of its importance at the present time in several areas, as this animal was able to gain the confidence of a person in him through this long period of time. The natural environment of land, climatic conditions and living organisms played a role in shaping the relationship between man and dog and his knowledge of how to draw him closer to him for the purpose of benefiting from him after knowing how to domesticate, train and tame him, and finally to domesticate him in order to coexist with him without fear. So he produced a docile animal that could be controlled and dealt with.

It is likely that the process of domestication of the dog throughout the world took place during the Paleolithic period in the period (12000-10000 BC), as its bones can be distinguished from this date from the wild type in, The regions of the ancient Near East, the oldest remains of a domesticated dog’s bones were found in Iran and Palestine dating back to the Mesolithic period, while the oldest domesticated bone remains of dogs in Mesopotamia date back to the Neolithic period, according to what was found in Jermo, the village dated to about (8000-6500 BC), as many domesticated dog bones were found in it, as well as small clay statues, some of which were personified as dogs, and then such remains came to pass in later ages.


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How to Cite

Dog domestication in the Ancient Near East - Mesopotamia as a model. (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 77, 133-156.

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