Development of German naval construction 1871-1917
German naval bases, arms race, military tactics.Abstract
The importance and study of the German Navy stems from the pivotal role it played in the period leading up to and during World War I, which led to new technological developments such as the U-boat, revolutionized naval warfare, and introduced concepts such as unrestricted naval warfare, which had far-reaching effects not only on military tactics but also on international relations and the conduct of warfare. The German Navy was founded in the late 19th century under Kaiser Wilhelm I and Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, coinciding with Germany's rise as an industrial and military power after its unification in 1871. This period was followed by a concerted effort to develop a naval force capable of projecting German influence beyond Europe, driven by the German world policy doctrine of making Germany a world power. Germany's aggressive naval strategies had a profound impact on naval decisions in global conflicts. The creation of the German Navy, especially under Kaiser Wilhelm II, marked the beginning of a naval arms race with the British Royal Navy. This competition led to the construction of modern warships and the expansion of naval bases. The geographical nature and German nationalism were the most important factors in the establishment of German unity during the nineteenth century, which was only a few states that lacked unity. After the political and economic conditions were available for them to achieve sovereignty over the rest of their people, they had to possess a naval fleet. Those who follow historical facts find it difficult to determine the beginning of the construction of the German Navy, but the challenges of achieving unity were the main incentive for that.
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