Erbil Citadel, between Archaeological Excavations and Historical Sources
Citadel, Erbil, excavations, wall, doors, historical sourcesAbstract
The research aims to link the archaeological excavations that are taking place for the first time in the Erbil Citadel with what historians and countrymen mentioned in the Islamic and ancient sources about the Erbil Citadel and its civilizational features and its most important architectural features, especially defensive towers, fences, entrances and gates. Erbil Citadel contained various administrative, educational and religious institutions. And the task in the Islamic period, especially the Atabeg.
There were religious landmarks in the castle, such as a church and a Knesset, in addition to the mosque of the Erbil Citadel, which represents the religious groups and sects that used to live there. Defining the Buffer zone, i.e. the areas surrounding the Citadel of Erbil, and it includes the old neighborhoods such as the locality (Al-Arab, Tajil, Khanaqah and Al-Mustafi), which falls within the scope of protection and maintenance with the Erbil Citadel. The importance of the archaeological excavations comes in knowing the cultural and historical roles that the castle went through in particular and the city of Erbil in general, which cannot be separated. Separation between the archaeological aspect, its historical importance, testimonies and the countrymen's description of this ancient city.
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