The Contributions of Banu Al-Shinah to educational institutions in the eighth and ninth centuries AH
اسهامات, بنو شحنة, مؤسسة, تعاليم, عصرAbstract
The study of scientific families is one of the important researches to show the credit to the people of credit first, and secondly to take the historical lesson from the role of the family in the goodness of society and the elevation of the Arab Islamic nation among the nations. Her biography and role with veneration and greatness.
Among these families, the Banu al-Shinah, who were at the height of their giving in the eighth and ninth centuries AH, especially in Aleppo, the birthplace of this family, the Levant and Egypt, because of the scientific, moral and material qualifications they possessed, made them play several roles in the religious, cultural and political fields, playing the role of mediator between society and authority. It is also the main engine of the wheel of intellectual and cultural life that flourished in the Mamluk era, thanks to the role that this family played in making the education of its children one of its most important priorities, and gave birth to an elite group of scholars, teachers, jurists, judges, poets and writers who took over teaching and produced an educated generation, which contributed to Preserving the status of the Islamic Ummah in light of those critical circumstances that that period passed.
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