Hittites Geographical Location in the Light of Cuneiform Resources – A study in Historical Geography


  • Amir Abdullah Najim Al-Jumaily قسم الأثار/كلية الأثار /جامعة الموصل
  • Khalaf Zydan Khalaf قسم الحضارة/كلية الأثار جامعة الموصل


Hittite, Cuneiform, geographical sites, Historical geography


Among the intellectual outcomes of the Hittite civilization in all its fields and aspects of economic, social, religious, political and other contents was the ones mentioned in their written notation, which they wrote in two ways, the first: Egyptian hieroglyphics and the other in Mesopotamian cuneiform. What we are interested in in this regard is the geographical locations in their cuneiform notations, where these texts were flooded within hundreds of geographical locations that varied between land and water sites (rivers, seas, lakes, water bodies, etc.) and these locations were mentioned in the exhibition and events of military. These campaigns came and included them, the rivers that these armies crossed, as well as the inclusion of some cities in the texts of those treaties as points of limitation within the influence of the Hittite kingdoms. Some of them are mentioned in the consecration texts and the submission of vows and offerings to the centers of some gods that some of the Hittite  kings and queens offer to these gods. The Hittites did not forget to mention some of the mountains that were in the way of their military campaigns, many of which were mentioned. We have also received lists and confirmed the names of the cities and areas rebelling against the Hittite rule, especially from the period of the Hittite King (Shpilulyuma) first, as mentioned some cities in the literature, texts and hymns of prayers of some gods because of their symbolism and sacred religious status, and hundreds of the number of clay figures with economic implications mentioned many of the cities and villages where these deals were held or mentioned witnesses attributed to those cities and villages. Many cities have not been mentioned in the annals of some Hittite kings who recorded their victories in some campaigns, as mentioned some fiefdoms in some agreements in which some of these fiefdoms are exchanged instead of others and are waived and compensated by others and dependency and belongness  that party.


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نقلاً عن : Del Monte F. del Monte, RGTC, Band 6, pp. 597

نقلاً عن : Del Monte F. del Monte, RGTC, Band 6, pp. 598 .







How to Cite

Hittites Geographical Location in the Light of Cuneiform Resources – A study in Historical Geography. (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 79, 3-54. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/378

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