The leading role of the senior imamian twelver shia clerics until 1911 in Iran
Role, Clerics, ShiaAbstract
The leading role of senior imamian twelver Shia clerics has emerged during its long career a historical phenomenon which occupied successive stages until the present time in a number of Islamic countries, including Iran specifically. All this was based on the popular base of members of the Imamian twelver shia sect, and their absolute loyalty to senior clerics which is almost unparalleled among other Muslims. This raised the desire for research and study, and reached valuable conclusions. This conclusions reported that the leadership role of senior clerics witnessed through its long career in the country historical developments by which it moved through various qualitative shifts from time to time and laid the base for making Islam and the doctrine of the country a future political identity. The leading role of senior clerics also mad a political contributions in the country and abroad, showing its effective influence in the social and political spheres of the country .And it continued to do so until it took its contemporary religious-political form.
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