The Rumor and its impact on the individual and society
impact, individual, Rumor, societyAbstract
It is clear that the beginning of demolishing anything begins with changing its reality and or making it different from its reality, and it begins with the demolition of society and distorting the reputation of its members, especially the notables and leaders among them, by changing the reality of their affairs and their will. In order to display from the world, or the enmity or deviation of those who spread rumors from the path of truth.
Therefore, the research came to shed light on an aspect of this incurable disease, which has plagued quite a few people, and they are repeating or even fabricating rumors without hesitation, or deterrence, and the rumor is known as unverified information transmitted from one person to another, and in many Cases The word rumor has negative connotations, and it is divided into two main types in relation to the intention of its launchers, namely: false information that is promoted by individuals without the intention of deceiving and misleading, and misleading information, which is broadcast for the purpose of misleading and deceiving people to achieve an economic or political gain, however, with different motives behind launching Common rumors, however, have the same effect on the individual and society, since they impede and reduce the ability to separate the right from the wrong, the good from the bad, the beneficial from the harmful, and the right future decisions, and sometimes there are serious consequences for decisions taken based on rumors and unverified information from her health.
Rumors cannot be ignored as mere gossip within certain alleys or districts, as most of them have the greatest impact on their listeners and pickers, however, their power can be exploited in a way that benefits institutions, agencies, and even individuals, as it may give an early warning of what will happen soon in economic and political crises, so that the dire consequences can be avoided before the disaster.
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