Freedom of opinion in the Prophet’s era


  • Ali Jassim Hussein Ministry of Education / Rusafa II


Sunnah, freedom, opinion, thought, method


The Wise Legislator guaranteed the religious, political and civil freedom of individuals, and guaranteed to them freedom of opinion and expression, which is considered one of the most important foundations of human thought and one of the most important factors in building civilization. By using this freedom correctly, opinions and experiences can be benefited from in the process of construction, controls and conditions that guarantee every individual or society, and prevent Tyranny, tyranny and corruption hinder this. Islam has therefore set limits on his right to express his opinion without attacking others, and this research is to clarify this issue from the perspective of the Prophet’s Sunnah, by defining freedom of opinion and its meaning, and detailing the controls and restrictions that must be observed for those who want to criticize or express an opinion, represented by its freedom from freedom of opinion and its meaning. Fanaticism and imitation, and not opposing the legal texts or violating public morals, and presenting applied examples of freedom of opinion during the era of the Prophet, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, and his companions, and their political and social positions.


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How to Cite

Freedom of opinion in the Prophet’s era. (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 90, 489-470.

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