Dar Al-Nadwa and its role in consolidating the political, economic and social leadership of the Quraish
Dar Al-Nadwa, Mecca, Quraysh, leadership centerAbstract
The study entitled Dar al-Nadwa and its role in consolidating the political, economic, and social leadership of Quraysh in the Hijaz before Islam, from its founding in the middle of the fifth century AD until the beginning of the Islamic call, deals with the first beginnings of Islam with the Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, conveying the Islamic call. Hence, it was necessary to Introducing Dar al-Nadwa and its influence in Mecca and its geographical surroundings, as it created the conditions for Mecca to become the first commercial and economic city in the Hijaz, and thus imposed its political hegemony as well. Dar al-Nadwa was an advanced leadership center for Mecca at the regional level, as in pre-Islamic times it was the center for tribal meetings for consultation,inaway that ensured Prosperity of the city, prevents Disagreements occurred between its tribes, so many military conferences were held to conclude reconciliation between the tribes Warring or opposing parties, and politically to support the oppressed and help the needy.
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