The Uganda-Tanzania war of (1978-1979) and the regional and international position on it


  • Bassam Reda Mohammed Ministry of Education / Directorate of Education of Babylon


Uganda, Tanzania, Idi Amin, Julius Nyerere, Obote, Uganda National Liberation Front


    The Ugandan-Tanzanian conflict was not a sudden eruption that occurred when Ugandan forces invaded northern Tanzania in October 1978. Rather, the conflict between the two countries began after Idi Amin came to power in 1971. It subsequently evolved into a personal conflict between the Ugandan and Tanzanian presidents, rather than an ideological or strategic struggle. Ultimately, it led to a Tanzanian invasion of Ugandan territory in cooperation with Ugandan opposition forces, resulting in the overthrow of Idi Amin's regime in April 1979. This opened the door to a new phase of internal power struggle in Uganda that continued until 1986.


1. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, FM Nairobi 030700 Zapr To Immediate Deskby FCO Telno 137 Of 3 April 1979.

2. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, FCO 031430Z FM DAR ES Salaam To Immediate FCO Telno 240 Of 3 April 1979.

3. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, FCO 281000 {Po Stby Nairobi And TRIPOL 281000z Fm Dar Es Salaam 280700z Mar 19 1979.

4. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, FCO 281000 {PO STBY NAIROBI AND TRIPOL 281000Z FM DAR ES Salaam 280700Z MAR 19 1979.

5. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, Fm Dar Es Salaam 110737 Z Mar 79 ,Tkum 191 Of 11 March Info Im Mediatetr.

6. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, FM FCO 1621302 MAR 79 TO Immediatedar Es Salaam Telegram Umber 62 Of 16 March .

7. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, FCO Telno 137 Of 3 A P R Il, My Telno 134 Of31 March 1979 Tanzania -Uganda.

8. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, Fm Nairobi 030750z Apr To Immediate Deskby Fco, Telno 138 Of 3 April 1979.

9. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, Foreign and Commonwealth Offtce,London SWLA 2AH ,16 March 1979.

10. National archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, Foreign and Commonwealth Office ,London SWLA 2AH,Uganda/Tanzani,16 March 1979.

11. National archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, Foreign and Commonwealth Office ,London SWLA 2AH,Uganda/Tanzani,16 March 1979.

12. National Archive, PREM 16-2268, TANZANIA. Relations with Uganda; Ugandan incursion and Tanzanian counter-attack; request for UK military assistance, Foreign and Commonwealth Offtce,London SWLA 2AH,Uganda/Tanzani,16 March 1979.

- الوثائق المنشورة (وثائق وزارة الخارجية الامريكية).

1. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Paper Prepared in the Department of State, Washington, undated.

2. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Memorandum From Secretary of State Vance to President Carter ,Washington, March 26, 1979.

3. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Intelligence Memorandum Prepared in the Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, June 16, 1977.

4. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Paper Prepared in the Department of State, Washington, undated.

5. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Memorandum From Secretary of State Vance to President Carter, Washington, March 27, 1979.

6. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Memorandum From Secretary of State Vance to President Carter Washington, April 4, 1979.

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11. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII,Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to President Carter, Washington, February 25, 1977.

12. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Situation Report Prepared in the Department of State, Washington, February 25, 1977.

13. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Memorandum From Secretary of State Vance to President Carter Washington, October 31, 1978.

14. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Tanzania, Washington, January 30, 1979.

15. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Memorandum From Secretary of State Vance to President Carter Washington, April 4, 1979.

16. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Memorandum From Acting Secretary of State Christopher to President Carter Washington, April 7, 1979.

17. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Memorandum From Secretary of State Vance to President Carter Washington, April 19, 1979.

18. F.R.U.S, "Foreign Relations of the United States", 1977–1980, VOL XVII, Letter From President Carter to Ugandan President Lule Washington, June 6, 1979.

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1. New York Times, March 8 , 1979.







How to Cite

The Uganda-Tanzania war of (1978-1979) and the regional and international position on it. (2025). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 95, 229-262.

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