Human presence in ancient Italy
الوجود البشري, ايطاليا القديمةAbstract
All living species of man belong to one biological species, which is Homo sapiens, which coexisted to survive in every natural environment and also coexisted with other types of environmental, plant and animal ecologies. Despite the sacrifices over long periods of time, man triumphed and multiplied in Italy. It has been shown that The Italian human race dates back to two types of humans. The first entered Italy via Central Europe, and the other type of these breeds entered Italy via Africa as a result of the North African and Eastern European regions being exposed to drought and tectonic movements. This study shows us the importance of the Mediterranean region. Which is an essential element of human movements heading towards Italy, as genetic studies have indicated that the first inhabitants trace their traces back to a very ancient history, and that the patterns of European occupation by population groups were the focus of continuous debate, and that hominids existed for approximately one million years, especially after the arrival of human waves. From Africa, where their presence within a phase known as the “climatic warming phase” and over the continuation of the Paleolithic eras covered the presence of human migrations, which intended to exploit the region by laying the first foundations for stable population settlement, through the archaeological finds and stone tools that were found. The conflicts that successive eras witnessed between Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens, and the explanation of how Neanderthal disappeared and the emergence of an advanced population element all draw the first line of cultural developments in Italy.
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