The Position of the Great European powers of The Greco – ottoman war (17 April- 18 May 1897)


  • Hamza Malghoth Al-badiri كلية الإمام الكاظم (ع) للعلوم الإسلامية


Border Problems, Cret Island, King Constantine I, Megali's Idea, The Great Powers


This Research deals with the war that took place in 1897 between Greece and the Ottoman Empire, because of the border problems between them. Especially aronnd the Region of Thessaly and the Cret Island, it also addresses the Position of the Great Enropean powers on that war and the Resulty that Rosulted fromit, and the Diplomatie efforts made by those Great powers to Resolve border Disputes and Problems. Between Greece and the Ottoman Empire through, the formation of International Committes of Ambassadors and Consuls Repyes enting the Great Curopean Powers in the ottoman capitol Istanbul, Until the Signing of the Peace Treaty between the tow parties on 4, December 1897.


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How to Cite

The Position of the Great European powers of The Greco – ottoman war (17 April- 18 May 1897). (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 90, 225-280.

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