Mustafa Ghalib and his efforts in writing Ismaili and Fatimid history Manuscripts
مصطفى غالب, الاسماعيلية, المنهجية, المخطوطاتAbstract
The nature of the study gives a quick picture of the life of an intellectual figure who made many contributions in the field of classification and investigation of Ismaili and Fatimid history, as well as research and investigation. The life of Mustafa Ghalib and his scientific productions are not covered by this study as much as it is an introductory study of this great scholar in addition to identifying aspects of his methodology in the fields of classification and investigation. Mustafa Ghalib is a historian and investigator whose work is distinguished by objectivity, scientific sobriety, and his extensive knowledge, and he follows the events of Ismaili and Fatimid history without being influenced. Despite the pressing political factors, he lists the events in a coherent manner with high professionalism, which distinguishes him from his peers.
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