السلطانة قسم خانم ودورها في الصراع على العرش العثماني
السلطانه, قسم, المحظيات, العرش, السلطانAbstract
Sultana Qasem, also known as Mah Beker or Khasaki Kosem Mah, was born in Bosnia in 1590. She is considered one of the most famous and powerful Ottoman sultans. She enjoyed a superior beauty that enabled her to be the wife of Sultan Ahmed I and to be the mother sultan of Murad to the fourth, and after him her grandchildren and children. After the death of her husband, the Sultan, until her minor grandson, Mehmed IV, assumed the rule of the Ottoman throne, and because of his lack of legal age, she assumed the oath of power on his behalf after deposing his father, her son Ibrahim I, due to his mental disorder.
Sultana Qasim was famous for her charitable work, as she provided assistance to the poor and needy throughout the Ottoman Empire, and she visited the prison every year in the month of Sha`ban in order to pay the debt owed by the prisoners who were imprisoned because of their debts. She also provided assistance to the girls of poor families with their husbands. Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and Makkah Al-Mukarramah, in addition to supporting irrigation works in Egypt and building many buildings that benefit its people.
Sultana Qasim died on September 2, 1651 AD
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جريدة الزمان التركية , خفايا الحرملك في القصور العثمانية 28/12/2015 https://www.zamanarabic.com

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