Religious Motives for Orientalism The
دوافع, دينية, استشراقAbstract
Orientalism represents a wide current of Western researchers who were interested in the literature, sciences and beliefs of the East, and researched its languages and cultures. This current clarified the Western vision of the Arab and Islamic world. These perceptions and visions reflected the nature of the conflict between Eastern and Western civilizations, as well as the conflict between Christianity and Islam. The Orientalist phenomenon occupied a large part of the life of the European society and the Arab and Islamic society, and over time it formed a major and important milestone in the field of thought, culture and literature. His geographical work, which is the Orient itself, as it stimulated Arabs and Muslims to return to their heritage, and to search for appropriate responses to defend their entity and belief, while some orientalists exaggerated in their writings by describing the beauty of the Orient.
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