موقف التحالف الاوروبي من توسع فرنسا في الاراضي الالمانية (1804- 1805)
موقف, تحالف, توسع, فرنسا, المانياAbstract
Napoleon held alliances between the Emirates of Baden, Bavaria and Württemberg. The emperor pledged to guarantee the security and interests of the German princes with the aim of achieving his political interests, despite his pledge that there was no desire to extend France's borders beyond the Rhine.
The political, social and economic situations in the German lands have been confused since 1803, which convinced the German princes that their alliance was not important without belonging to one of the parties (Prussia or France). From the outset, Emperor Napoleon ensured that the princes of the southern German Emirates submitted to his ambitions and decided to provide economic aid to continue their war against the forces of the third European international coalition.
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