Syria in German strategy 1919-1945
سوريا, الاستراتيجية الالمانيةAbstract
After the end of World War I, Germany moved towards obtaining financial resources to improve its economic conditions in order to get rid of the sanctions imposed on it by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 AD, and the effect of the Alsace-Lorraine regions being cut off from it and annexed to France, and in view of its need for cash liquidity to support its collapsed economy, which was paralyzed after the decline of the German mark to its worst monetary level.
German politicians began to propose the idea of heading towards the East because European markets were closed to Germany as punishment for its role in igniting World War I. It was necessary for Germany to find other economic outlets and eastern markets to compensate for the blockade that was imposed on it.
Syria was among the Arab countries to which the Germans turned due to its geo-strategic location, its economic resources, and its markets’ need for German expertise. Germany was more experienced than Syria in the field of construction, reconstruction, and restoring Syrian infrastructure, in addition to Syria’s possession of raw materials that German industry needed. To clarify this, the research was divided into two sections, the first entitled German approaches towards Syria 1919 - 1933, “the (Weimar) government.” It focused on German attempts to develop its economy in the areas of agriculture, industry, and trade to get out of its crisis.
The second topic dealt with the policy of Nazi Germany towards Syria (1933 - 1945). The Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had Syria in mind because of his great awareness of the extent of German's need for its resources and geographical location if World War II occurred against the Allied countries for the purpose of dominating its public and economic capabilities.
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