The America Strategy Towards Security Of the Arabia Gulf and the Kuwait Position them 1977_1980
Kuwait, American strategy, Arabian Gulf securityAbstract
The security of the Arabian Gulf between 1977 and 1980 was a vital part of the American strategy in light of regional and international tensions. With the world's dependence on Gulf oil and the increasing threats resulting from the Iranian revolution and the conflict of major powers, it was necessary for the United States to develop policies that would maintain the stability of the region and secure the flow of oil.
Kuwait, for its part, as a country with a strategic location and an oil-dependent economy, played an important role in this strategy. Although it followed a somewhat neutral foreign policy, it was aware of the importance of cooperating with the United States to ensure the stability of the region and protect it from any potential security threats, whether from regional conflicts or external interventions.
The United States focused on strengthening its relations with the Gulf states, including Kuwait, through security and diplomatic cooperation, and supporting regional defenses against any threats. Kuwait, for its part, sought to achieve a delicate balance between its cooperation with Washington and its keenness not to explicitly side with any party in regional conflicts, especially in light of the rise of Iranian influence after the Islamic Revolution.
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- الصحف:
الصحيفة العدد التاريخ
القبس الكويتية 1913 17 ايلول 1977.
= 2510 13 آيار 1979
= 2516 19 آيار 1979
= 2548 20 حزيران 1979
= 2550 22 حزيران 1979
= 2747 9 كانون الثاني 1980
20 كانون الثاني 1980
21كانون الثاني 1980
23 كانون الثاني 1980
25 كانون الثاني 1980
26كانون الثاني 1980
2شباط 1980
14 شباط1980
27 شباط 1980

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