The role of the Organization of African Unity of the Western Sahara problem
دور, منظمة, الوحدة الافريقية, الصحراء لغربيةAbstract
The study of Arab-Arab relation is of particular interest. Especially if the study deals with problems between neighboring Arab countries, We mean here the problem of the western Sahara and Morocco, the lack of agreement of the Arab parties surrounding the problem area, move the solution beyond the Arab-Arab borders, and the problem of western Sahara moved to the Organization of study will discuss the role of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) to solve the problem of western Sahara, and the parties to the Arab-Arab problem and the relevant countries, whether the Kingdom of Morocco, the landowner in the Western Sahara and the countries that intervened to this problem, including Algeria Mauritania and Libya, the study stressed that solutions between Arab-Arab differences are almost impossible, so the intervention of the parties surrounding the Arab region was a necessity. It is imperative that the Organization of African unity (OAU) includes the problem countries, especially as the Western Sahara problem affects relations with the OAU.
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