Cultural and Artistic Description and Rooting of Unpublished Necklaces from the Sites of the Makhoul Dam Basin
وصف, تأصيل, فن, قلائد, سد مكحولAbstract
The importance of archaeological finds, which are found during excavations in revealing a huge amount of information that explains the religious, political, economic, intellectual and social history in any archaeological site, and the necklaces came as one of these finds, as it found in all archaeological sites, this is no secret to researchers and specialists in the study of archeology. The locations of the Makhoul Dam basin are rich sites of jewelry, including necklaces. The necklaces are considered one of the arts that the people of Mesopotamia, like other arts, were closely related religiously and economically to their forms, their contents were derived from symbolic connotations that were related to the intellectual beliefs of society of religious nature and social values, as well as the natural elements that exist within the local environment.
- تقارير الهيئة العامة للآثار والتراث
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