gods of Nabataeans
Dhul-Sharra, Al-Uzza Manat, Hubal, Shi’a Al-QumAbstract
The current study deals with gods of Nabataeans and religion of Nabataeans that represented in their worshipping of idols of that religion that does not differ from other Arabic religions spreading out in Arabian island.
The importance of the research lies in reflecting part of pre- Islamic religious doctrines. The study deals with the most important gods worshipped by Nabataeans and the significance of the study lies in trying to understand the mind and method of thinking and doctrines of their people.
The study of idols gods of any people help us understand and realize the ancient human behavior and its social relations , as well as the effect of the nature and its reflections in different aspects of life . Most important gods are ( Thu alShara, allat, aluza, Munat, Hubal)
- The transfer of Nabataeans from Bedouin or semi-nomadic life to stable life was the first factor in developing their religious thinking , while the second factor is their contact with the neighboring civilizations.
- Residents of Nabataeans worshiped some gods known in middle and south of Arab Island like ( allat, aluza, Munat, Hubal)
- The plurality of gods and the relationship of Arab human with them is connected with the political, economic and social life . For instance most of Nabataeans residents work in trade which has a great effect upon their belief that idols gods protect their trade and their goods , thus they made idols gods such as ( Shiia alQawm) is the idol god of their trade and its protection. They sanctified it and got close to it with vows and prayers.
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