The Tayyibi call and its impact on the Fatimid thought
Commander of the Laws of God, Hafiziyyah, ayyibi Call, Mrs. Arwa, Musta'liahAbstract
This research explains to us (the Tayyibi call and its impact on the Fatimid thought). Look at the Tayyibi call and its spread inside and outside the country of Yemen and the role of Mrs. Arwa Al-Sulayhiyya, who adopted the call to Imam Al-Tayyib bin Caliph the Fatimid Commander of the Laws of God (d. 524 AH / 1129 AD). Through the preachers who were appointed to spread the call of the good Imam, and their adoption of the idea of a stable Imamate and its entry into the role of concealment. Fearing for his life and his whereabouts are known only to those close to him, and the continuation of the call after the end of the rule of the Fatimid and Sulayhid states, a return to the greatness that was made by Mrs. Arwa and her defiance of all those who wanted to get rid of, and by oaths, and the Fatimids to Hafiziyah in relation to the Caliph Abd al-Majid, nicknamed al-Hafiz (d. 544 AH / 1149). M) the cousin of the caliph al-Amir, and Tayyiba, in relation to the imam al-Tayyib ibn al-Khalifa al-Amir, but Mrs. Arwa made her effort to establish an independent Tayyibi mission in the country of Yemen and entered the country of Yemen and entered into the call to the country of Yemen and entered the country of Yemen
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