Guardian deities and their functions in the underworld in light of the book (The Two Paths)
The Two Roads, God Ra, the Underworld, Rostao, Guardian GodsAbstract
This study touched on the functions related to the guardian deities in the underworld, according to the texts of the book (The Two Paths), which is a product of ancient Egyptian thought, which has always occupied its mentality with imagination and visions of the underworld. The texts of this book, which appeared during the Middle Kingdom period (2060-1785 BC) and which were engraved on the walls of tombs, drew a map for us. The Underworld is divided into two paths representing heaven and earth, separated by the Lake of Fire.
The book (The Two Roads) is also a passage in which the ancient Egyptian tried to imagine the underworld and draw a path for the deceased through which he could safely cross towards what he wanted to reach in that world. The texts of this book were a series of extensions of religious ideas that link the texts of (The Pyramids) that preceded it in appearance and between the texts (coffins) that came after it, it is clearer and more detailed in guiding the deceased to overcome the difficulties and dangers that he faces in the underworld
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