كسرة فخارية نادرة من موقع دموز تثة DUMUZ TEPE (دراسة فنية تحليلية)
الأثار, دموز تثة, الفخار, بلاد الأناضول (تركيا حاليا)Abstract
A rare pottery shard from Dumuz Tepe - an analytical technical study
The creation of pottery in prehistoric times in general and in the Halaf period of in particular is considered one of the most important technical achievements that helped a person transmit what he wandered in and his senses by drawing, coloring and decoration on the outer surfaces of pottery vessels, and these decorations were simple at the beginning of their appearance, consisting of simple geometric formations, then reached a degree From the development in the Halaf period and the pottery of the Halaf period spread in a wide geographical area in Syria, Iran and Mesopotamia, where its models were discovered in many archaeological sites, the Al -Arpachya, Tepa Gawra and Tell Yarm Tepe II within the city of Mosul, as well as its examples in the countries of Anatolia, Turkey, present at the site (The archaeological Dumuz Tepe between the cities of (Kahramanmaraş and Gaziantep) is one of the largest settlements of the sixth millennium BC.
The site was excavated by several universities and international museums, such as the University of Manchester, the British Museum, and the University of California between 1955, 2006 and 2008, and excavation work at the site was focused mainly on the Halaf period, and the site was found on the pottery of the late Halaf, colored and decorated with a variety of decorations, as the rare pottery fragment discovered in The site is considered one of the finest examples among the pottery discovered at the site, where an artist displayed a number of decorative elements on its surface, such as geometric, botanical, and waterfowl decorations, in addition to a strange and rare geometric decoration, which is the shapes of the buildings drawn with geometric formations consisting of several floors. These decorations formed a beautiful scene on the surface of the jar embodying alternation, repetition and contrast, as it covered the entire surface of the jar from top to bottom.
Each of these elements had special implications and connotations as they relate to social concepts and norms within the half-oath community at the time.
As for this rare scene, which the subject of our research has not yet guided the site prospector and researchers to a clear explanation of the scene and the fields of use of the jar, it seems that the religious scene is an integral part of the scenes of religious rituals known in the Dumuz Tepe region during that period, it seems that the building models carved on the surface of the jar It has special religious goals that are similar to the Tholos buildings that characterize the Halaf period, as some researchers believed that these buildings are sacred due to the discovery of some graves and colored pottery near their walls, and archaeologists believe that the Tholos is nothing but a special type of Residential role.
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الموزايك: تعني الفسيفساء:وهو عملية صــف لقطع حجرية صغيرة الحجم وصلبـة كالرخـام والكلـس والفخـار وعجنية الزجـاج المرصوفــة مــع بعضها البعــض بواسطة الجص او بالمــلاط لتغطية، المسـاحة ّ مسـطحة أو محدبة، من ارضيات والسقوف والجدران من اجل اختفاء هشاشتها، حيث يعطي الصلابة والجمال والرنق المساحة التي مغطية بفسيفساء، اكتشفت اقدم نماذج لهذا الفن في مدينة وركاء السومرية، التي زينت واجهة الجدرا الخارجي لمعبد الوركاء. ينظر: (عبدالعزيز حميد واخرون،1982،ص56- 57) كذالك ينظر (قراءات في حفاظ على فسيفساء، ،ترجمة فتحي بن حاج يحيى، الناشر، المركز الدولي لدراسة صون الممتلكات الثقافية وترميمها (ايكروم) ، 2019، ص15-16)

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