الفكر الإصلاحي في شعر عبد المحسن الكاظمي


  • ghanim auda Sharhan مركز احياء التراث العلمي العربي جامعة بغداد


فكر, اصلاح, شعر


Developing of nationalist spirit is considered as one of the goals of literature education on secondar level , the research aims to identify nation and pokitical statuses of the iraqi author the pote Abdulmohsin Al Kadhmi.

Through the poetry of the poet, identifying of nationlist poets in the modern lraqi literature could be done in order to facilitate the comprehension  of balanced natiobalism concept away from experiment which lraqi authors lived, those who carried the concern of nation honestly and truthfully.

Research has come into three topics, preface has come mentioned some of his life and biography , first topic has contained national meaninges in Al Kadhimi poerty , second topic has dealt with his ststus of the ottoman state, while the third topice has dealt with the British occupation and the Arabian revolutin.

The research is treating important issue the humanitarian life in general and in the poetry of the lraqi author the poet Abdulmohsin Al Kadhmi in particular , which is the posts nationl and political status.


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How to Cite

الفكر الإصلاحي في شعر عبد المحسن الكاظمي. (2022). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 80, 511-534. https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/375

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