Boghos Bey Youssefian and his impact on Egyptian politics (1775-1844)
Boghos Bey Yousefian, Muhammad Ali Pasha, Egypt, trace, historyAbstract
Boghos Bey Youssefian is among the important personalities who left their clear mark in the history of Egypt. He is of Armenian origin. He was a supporter of Muhammad Ali Pasha in financial, commercial and foreign matters. Muhammad Ali Pasha trusted him and relied on him in everything related to Egypt’s affairs. He was the first Christian in Egypt to be granted the title of Bey.
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While researching the subject of "Boghos Bey Youssefian and his Impact on Egyptian Politics (1775-1844)" a set of conclusions were reached that can be clarified as follows:
- Boghos, with his qualifications and social standing, counted you as one of the most prominent figures in the modern history of Egypt.
- Boghos Bey was the most important employee in the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha, and the only person who occupied a strong position with Muhammad Ali Pasha because he served Egypt with all his efforts and had white hands in its renaissance, and historians considered him the only friend of Muhammad Ali Pasha, philosopher, chief translator and his private secretary He held several positions and succeeded in everything he was entrusted with, and for several decades he remained an influential state employee in government offices.
- Boghos Bey, thanks to his success and his position with Muhammad Ali Pasha, was able to be the founder of the security community in Egypt.
- Muhammad Ali Pasha realized the extraordinary commercial, administrative and diplomatic capabilities of Boghos Bey, so he benefited from him and his loyalty to him. He was his translator, and his Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and relied on him in selecting the members of the scientific missions and determining the countries to which those missions go, and taking his opinion on all financial issues. His opinion was always likely.
- Muhammad Ali Pasha’s great confidence in Boghos Bey shows that he gave him documents that he signed before drafting them, and history has proven that he was worthy of his trust as he served Egypt with all his efforts.
- Aad Boghos Bey was the first Christian in Egypt to be given the title Bey.
- By following the path of Boghos Bey and his life, it becomes clear that he was an example of sincerity, and possessed a spirit eager for sincere work and dedication for the sake of Egypt's renaissance and far from every material or worldly goal.
- Boghos Bey, thanks to his dedication to his work, earned him wide respect and great fame inside and outside Egypt, and perhaps Muhammad Ali Pasha’s assignment of sensitive positions to him is the best proof of that.

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