The Ice Uses and Storage Methods in Mesopotamia in the Light Cuneiform Texts
استخدام, خزن, ضوء, نصوصAbstract
The material snow and its uses were and still is necessary in daily life, as the contents of the relevant cuneiform texts reflect that the ancient Iraqis had a clear interest in bringing pieces of snow and methods of preparing it and preserving it in places designated to prevent it from melting by the influence of the sun's rays in hot climates. And the governors of the provinces from the ancient Babylonian era to bring quantities of snow from the northern mountainous places during the winter season, and they were carried and transported on animals over long distances that may take from (10 beru - 20 beru) (and beru is, according to our current time estimates, about two hours).
It seems that ice had multiple uses among the ancient Iraqis, in addition to its uses to cool the water of popular drinks at the time, it was used in medical treatments to relieve pain and anesthetize it through the cold contained in the ice, as it is understood from the contents of the relevant cuneiform texts, the instructions of the kings in ancient Iraq about not being extravagant in The uses of continuous ice chunks and everything related to preserving it, according to people's need for its importance in their lives at the time
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