جرائم حزب البعث ضد الكرد الفيلية
جرائم, حزب البعث, الكرد الفيليةAbstract
The study aims to highlight the rule of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party in Iraq and the severe political purges against the Fayli Kurds, who faced systematic persecution due to their ethnic and religious affiliations. The campaign of purges began in the 1970s, accusing Fayli Kurds of spying for Iran during periods of Iraq-Iran tensions. Thousands of Fayli Kurdish families were forcibly displaced from their homes, their properties confiscated, and their Iraqi citizenship revoked. These violations extended beyond displacement to include arbitrary arrests and mass executions. Many Fayli Kurdish youths disappeared forcibly, their fate remaining unknown to this day. This campaign was part of a broader strategy by the Ba'athist regime aimed at altering the demographic composition of border areas and ensuring full control by the central government
The Ba'ath regime continued its persecution of Fayli Kurds throughout its rule, exacerbated during the Iraq-Iran War 1980-1988 The regime accused Fayli Kurds of loyalty to Iran due to their Shiite affiliation, considering them an internal threat to state security. Authorities conducted mass arrests of Fayli Kurds, subjecting detainees to torture and mistreatment in prisons, often issuing death sentences without fair trials
Additionally, the regime sought to distort the cultural identity of Fayli Kurds by banning the use of the Kurdish language and prohibiting them from practicing their traditions and cultures. Village and city names inhabited by Fayli Kurds were changed to Arabic names in an attempt to erase their identity. Women and children also faced similar levels of persecution, with many losing family members overnight without any information about their fate.
The Ba'ath regime's rule ended with the fall of the system in 2003, revealing the magnitude of the tragedy experienced by Fayli Kurds. Mass graves containing the remains of many victims of executions were discovered, and documents confirming the crimes committed against them were unearthed. Despite political changes in Iraq after the regime's fall, Fayli Kurds continue to suffer from the consequences of that painful era, striving to regain their rights, properties, and citizenship unjustly taken from them
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