Iraq under the rule of the Federalists 1908-1914
Iraq, governance, federalistsAbstract
This research is concerned with an analytical study of the conditions of Iraq under the rule of the Federalists "1908-1914", shedding light on the growth of intellectual awareness among Iraqis represented by the formation of Arab parties and associations, as well as the emergence of a group of reformers who worked to arouse the spirits of the people to call for liberation and achieve independence. Iraq entered a new era in 1908 AD in its political history, and this period was not better than the previous one, as it was ruled directly and authoritarianly by the ruling party "Union and Progress" to see if they were better than those who ruled Iraq in the past, or if they were worse. This research is divided into four sections:
The first section includes: The conditions of Iraq before the rule of the Federalists, then it comes to the position of the Iraqis towards the coup, and how the Iraqis reacted to the rule. The second section deals with the procedures followed by the Federalists in Iraq to obliterate the Arab identity of the Iraqis, then it touched on the position of the Federalists on education. As for the third section, it dealt with the procedures of the Federalists in Iraq after they sensed the Iraqi rejection of their rule, and what was their position on the elections that they falsified to serve their supporters, then what was their position after the first Arab conference in Paris in 1913 AD. As for the fourth section, it detailed a new turning point in the history of Iraq, as foreign colonialism was lying in wait for it and preparing all the possibilities to achieve complete control over it. It also dealt with the position of the Iraqis on the First World War and how the positions differed between
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