The political impact of the ministers of the Fatimid state through the book (Modern Jokes on the News of Egyptian Ministers) by Amara Al-Yemeni (d. 569 AH/1174 AD
Yemeni architecture, Fatimid state, Caliph Al-Adid li-Din Allah, ministers, struggle for power, CrusadersAbstract
The book "Modern Jokes in the News of Egyptian Ministers" by Amara Al-Yemeni is a valuable source for studying the political history of the Fatimid state, especially the role of ministers in shaping this history. Through this book, we were able to see the mechanisms used by the Fatimid ministers to influence political decisions, how they dealt with the background, and their influence on society in Egypt. Each minister tried to control the position of minister and expand his influence. A number of ministers assumed this position, including Tala'i bin Ruzaik, Ruzaik bin Tala'i, Shawar, and Dhirgham. Assassinations occurred between ministers as a result of the struggle for power, which made the external forces represented by the Nuri state and the Crusaders exploit these conflicts between the two ministers, Shawar and Dhirgham, to interfere in the affairs of the country. This led to Egypt falling under the threat of the Crusaders, and the Fatimid state weakened and became exposed to danger. The Fatimid Caliph Al-Adid li-Din Allah decided to summon the forces of Nur al-Din Mahmud to get rid of the Crusaders who caused destruction and devastation in the country. They were expelled. The Crusaders at the hands of Asad al-Din Shirkuh and Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, the latter of whom was the cause of the fall of the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt in the year (567 AH / 1171 AD).
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