The impacto of the Killing of Indira Gandhi in the Eygption press, AL-Ahram newspaper, a model for a historical study
انديرا غاندي, الصحافة المصرية, صحيفة (الاهرام)Abstract
The assassination of Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984 was a prominent event in the world that was reported by the international and Arab media, including the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, as the event was global and an event that shook India, as Indira Gandhi enjoyed a prominent position as the first woman to hold the position of Prime Minister in India is the only one to this day, and she held it twice, the first between 1966-1977, and the second from 1980-1984. She represented her country in the Non-Aligned Movement alongside Gamal Abdel Nasser and Joseph Tito and supported global liberation movements. Indira also worked to develop the economy to benefit the citizen. And the state, and tried to abolish the privileges and expenses that the state grants to capitalists and princes, called for unity in loyalty to the homeland without submitting to the sect. Because of that, it attracted the anger of those sects, and the result was its assassination at the hands of the Sikhs. This may be a right, or they were a tool used by internal or external parties, or The two work together to serve their own goals and interests.
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