A reading of the impact of the military establishment on political developments in Egypt 1973-1981
الجيش, حرب اكتوبر, المؤسسة العسكرية, مصرAbstract
The policies of the Arab military institutions differed from one country to another depending on the factors forming that institution and the nature and orientations of the people. After gaining independence, the Arab countries were characterized by political instability and the inability of the civil authority to maintain the political system. These factors prompted The military establishment intervened in political affairs with the aim of changing the regimes of those countries and establishing political stability. Egypt, after the military coup in 1952 that overthrew the monarchy and declared the republic, did not enjoy stability, especially in its military establishment. Also, the Arab-Israeli conflict that accompanied it throughout this period had a major role in The exhaustion of this institution, as well as the leadership that was characterized by confusion in its decisions, all of this shaped the features of the Egyptian military institution.
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رابعاً: الانترنيت:
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