الأعراف والتقاليد والحفاوة بالطفل في بلاد الأندلس
الاعراف والتقاليد, طفل, بلاد الاندلسAbstract
Andalusian society was formed after the Islamic conquests of Andalusia and the influx of Muslims to it, from the indigenous people who professed Judaism and Christianity, and from the Arabs and Berbers who conquered the country. The society and its classes mixed in all areas of life, both scientific and practical, and coexisted among themselves.
Each type of spectrum of the new Andalusian society has its own customs and traditions that distinguish it from other segments of society, in addition to the efforts of the Islamic State to preserve these customs and traditions, by allowing its members to practice their daily lives freely as long as they do not violate Islamic law.
Mothers and fathers had a share of this freedom in practicing their customs and traditions to welcome the new baby and his years of growth and nurturing in themselves, and to express their joy and pleasure in him through practices they inherited from their social environment
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