Emirate AL-Hajj during the reign of Caliph Al-Hadi Historical study
Emirate AL- Hajj, Abbasid Caliphate, Caliph Al-HadiAbstract
The researcher in the history of the Arab-Islamic state finds that the emirate of Hajj took a large part of the care of the caliphs - because it was linked to the Islamic religion. In addition to its political dimension, it is a symbol of the strength of political authority.. Therefore, you must get the study and research you deserve
During the era of the Abbasid Caliph Musa al-Hadi, we find that this emirate coincided with a historical event,( waqieat fakh) , whose future consequences had an impact on the map of the Islamic world, with the emergence of (Al-adarsa) state in the Islamic Maghreb.
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