the Myth of Mesopotamia, Tool for Organizing and Adjusting the Community
الاسطورة, الرافدينية, اداة, تنظيم, ضبط, المجتمعAbstract
The summary of what we can conclude from the research tagged (the Myth of Mesopotamia, tool for organizing and adjusting the Community) is that the myth in Mesopotamia was employed for the purpose of regulating social relations and protecting and developing family ties by presenting tools and justifications that control and control society, and that the myth has a sacred framework in which its writer places it. Whatever he wants to spread in society, he expresses it in the form of a story that was often nullified by the gods, so it is not possible to bypass what it decides, as it is like a primitive constitution for the societal authority that requires walking according to its decisions and not opposing them or moving away from them by individuals from the general public and officials from among the rulers. That is why it was The Mesopotamian myth is of great importance in preserving societal organizations from disasters and diseases that threaten societies
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